Introducing the #1 Milwaukee Radio M18!

The Milwaukee M18 radio is very similar to the Yamaha RF-1200 and is just as good. Both of these are outstanding radios for the price and are well worth the money, but if you can find a lower price on one of these radios, I would suggest it. Find out more as to why it’s the #1 Milwaukee radio.


I own both of these radios, and they are both very reliable. I have owned both these radios for years and do not have any problems with them. I am not sure if the  Milwaukee M18 radio has had any improvements over the years, but it is still very good.


I purchased the first one of these radios in 1986, and it was great. I loved this radio. The buttons were easy to use, and the screen was large and bright. You could do a lot with the #1 Milwaukee radio.


I was very impressed with the size of the screen. It was large enough to be able to read the band charts without any trouble.


The buttons were simple to push and even easier to get out of the way when it was time to change bands. There was a whole host of great features on this radio. All of the bands and all of the channels were clearly labelled, the bands were easy to read, and many other features made the radio easy to use.


The only drawback that I found with the Milwaukee M18 radio was that the batteries would sometimes run out of power. I would notice that the radio would suddenly lose some of its power in these situations. It would happen once or twice a year, and it did not seem to be a problem that you had to deal with too often.


However, the other downside was that when the radio was powered down after a period of time, and you unplugged it, the radio would stop working for no apparent reason. It would appear that the radio was unplugged and just stopped working because that is what it was designed to do. This was a very frustrating issue for me.


I have tried using some more modern radios in my car with my existing radio, but I like the simplicity of the radio I currently have. It makes things easier for me and allows me to go about my business much easier, and I think the #1 Milwaukee radio will always be great.