What You Need to Know About SASHC Hearing Test

A hearing test in Adelaide is among the first steps in identifying the particular hearing impairment or disability that might be present in an individual patient. Most often, a personal audiologist performs a hearing test on a patient with audiometry. An audiogram measures typically a person’s hearing sensitivity at different frequencies and is employed to judge the specific hearing impairment in different ranges of frequencies. The person whose hearing is being tested will be asked several questions about their particular situation to determine the particular type of hearing loss occurring.

SASHC-hearing-test-AdelaideAudiometers are not only available in professional practices in Australia but can also be purchased through the Internet at affordable prices. Before undergoing a SASHC hearing test Adelaide, it is imperative to discuss the possible results with your primary care physician or ENT. They can provide you with a list of qualified hearing aid specialists in your area to perform the procedure at a more economical price. There are numerous hearing aids available to suit most people’s needs; the audiologist will choose the appropriate device based on the answers given during the initial evaluation process.

In the process of conducting a hearing test in Adelaide, several tests will likely be conducted, such as otoplasty (ear pinning), middle ear facelift (CMM), and baseboard Electrophysiology (BPE). In addition, during your first visit with the audiologist, they should note any issues you may have recently experienced, such as ear pain, dizziness, head noise, or ringing in your ears. These things will be utilized to assess your current hearing loss situation and will provide them with the information needed to decide which specific tests to conduct in your case. Some of these tests may include the following:

The first SASHC hearing test Adelaide will conduct is called the MPF (masked audiometry). During this test, the patient will be placed in a soundproof room and asked to participate in various activities while monitored via two-way communication with the audiologist. There will be an experienced technician monitoring your vital signs and performing any required testing procedures throughout the entire process. The purpose of this hearing loss assessment is to find out if you are experiencing hearing loss and determine if any other problems could be affecting your hearing.

Once your SASHC hearing test Adelaide is complete, your audiologist may ask you to complete several other tests to determine the cause of your hearing loss. Typically, these tests include a computerized machine called a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner and a Biophysical Response Function (BMF) test. With the Positron Emission Tomography, your audiologist will be able to see if vascular or circulatory problems bring on the disorder. If it is, your physician will likely recommend that you undergo several treatment options, including the use of hearing aids.

When it comes to BMF, your doctor may recommend that you undergo a Brainstem Transplantation (BSR) procedure. During this procedure, your brain is surgically implanted with a device called a probe called a Positron Emission Tomography instrument or PET. When your brain responds to visual images, it will show up with a pulsating light, which your attending audiologist can detect. Your doctor will then decide whether or not you need a hearing aid to hear normally again.