Google Ads: Augmentum Google Ads Competitor Analysis

Knowing how your competitors do their Google Ads business gives you the information you need to amplify your digital strategy. This includes identifying competitors, monitoring their ads, and analysing their campaigns.

Competition analysis can help you uncover new keyword opportunities and improve your performance in the Google Ads auction. Competitive analysis involves leveraging tools like Google Ads Auction Insights and organic research. For more information about the Augmentum Google Ads competitor analysis, click here.

Keyword Research

Augmentum Google Ads competitor analysisKeyword research is the foundation of any search marketing campaign, whether for paid or organic search. It involves finding the query strings, words, or phrases used to find information about your topic of interest and understanding the frequency with which these search terms are used on Google and other search platforms. It’s also important to understand what kind of commercial intent keywords perform, as this can help you craft your ad campaigns.

Many tools are available for keyword research, but the best ones can be customised to your specific business and industry. Semrush, for example, allows you to create a list of keywords and download it as a super-easy CSV file to upload directly into your Google Ads account. It can also be customised to include competition and cost data tailored to your country, ensuring your keywords are as relevant as possible.

It’s also worth noting that keyword research should be a continuous process that is constantly evolving. This is because the wants and needs of your audience are constantly changing, which could impact the search terms they’re using to find your product or service. In addition, new search features and updates to the Google algorithm might introduce first-time queries that weren’t around before or new phrases your competitors are using to address their audiences’ needs.

Keyword traffic analysis is another excellent way to identify valuable keywords, as it can show you what types of search terms your competitors are targeting and how well they’re performing. You can then leverage these keywords and phrases in your search campaigns to achieve similar results. For more information about the Augmentum Google Ads competitor analysis, click here.

It’s also worth remembering that you shouldn’t disregard search terms with poor conversions, as these may indicate a different need or desire for your audience, or they may be a sign of a problem with your site. Regular competitor research can help you spot these opportunities and adjust your strategy accordingly. Ultimately, conducting Google Ads competitor analysis can uncover invaluable insights and opportunities to propel your business to digital dominance.

Organic Research

Using tools like SimilarWeb, advertisers can view competitors’ paid search ads and use this information to improve their campaigns. Organic research can also be conducted to identify new keyword opportunities. Performing competitor benchmarking can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and improve their overall ad performance in Google Ads.

Augmentum Digital is a digital marketing agency offering Australian businesses Google Ad Word services. Its expert team has extensive marketing experience and is focused on ROI. They create targeted social media campaigns that reach the client’s target audience and boost brand awareness. The team also offers SEO and copywriting services.

Its Google Ad Word campaign service helps businesses generate more leads and conversions. The team uses a data-driven approach and focuses on ROI. It analyses the client’s goals and determines the most profitable keywords. They then create ads to promote the business’s products and services. This helps the client attract more potential customers and increase their revenue.

The company’s Facebook and LinkedIn ads are designed to connect with the client’s target audience. They focus on the buyer’s journey and provide a clear call to action. The team also creates social media content based on the client’s brand image and tone of voice. They use social media to expand the client’s reach and build a robust online community.

The agency’s social media services include content creation and management, brand building, and advertising. They provide a comprehensive solution for all of a client’s digital needs. They offer SEO and copywriting services, as well as Google Ads and social media marketing. They have a strong reputation for transparency and customer service, and their clients are pleased with their results. They also provide free assessment and consultation. This allows the client to understand the benefits of their digital strategy.

Advertising Research Positions Report

With Google Ads limiting paid search data to an unprecedented degree, accessing competitors’ performance data is becoming increasingly difficult. But, even with this challenge, a good competitor analysis can still reveal valuable insights that can help you take your business to the next level.

Fortunately, several third-party tools can be used to analyse your competition and uncover new keyword opportunities for your Google Ads campaigns. One such tool is Ahrefs, which provides a “Site Explorer” option that allows users to see their competitors’ PPC keywords and ads. The tool also provides information on which keywords your competitors are bidding on and how their ad position compares to yours. For more information about the Augmentum Google Ads competitor analysis, click here.