Bale Wrap: The Benefits and Costs of Bale Wrap

Plastic wrapping has long been used by farmers and other producers to encase high-moisture bale silage or “baleage.” Although plastic encasing may offer certain benefits – like lower nutrient loss and less storage needs – it must always be taken into consideration against its costs.

This study explored the properties of a sustainable composite manufactured via injection moulding from recycled bale wrap linear low-density polyethylene (rLLDPE) and polypropylene (PP) waste bale wrap materials mixed with 25% waste agave fibre in different ratios with both industrial compatibilisers and laboratory synthesisers used.


bale wrapPunctures to a plastic bale wrap allow oxygen into the feed, leading to spoilage and microbial growth, making plastic wrap thick enough and increasing chances of spoilage and disease prevention. A minimum thickness of six mils plastic should be used; this is much greater than what is needed with twine-wrapped bales.

There are various kinds of plastic bale wrap available, and each has their own advantages and disadvantages. Netwrap may shed water more efficiently than twine bales when stored on well-drained surfaces; however, this form of wrap may also be more costly.

Woven plastic bale wrap can cost two or three times more than twine, but can bring many advantages: It reduces harvest and storage losses as well as fuel usage and machine wear and tear costs; additionally, it minimises littering and odour issues which is better for the environment; plus, it is perfect for high moisture bales.


Plastic used for bale wrapping is generally durable material; however, it can still be damaged with improper handling. One common cause is when someone moves a wrapped bale too quickly which causes its film to tear or be punctured by sharp stubble or rodents. Therefore, it’s essential to keep this in mind when designing storage areas and check all bales regularly for holes.

Bales should be stored away from trees in well-drained areas with plenty of ventilation to reduce dry matter losses due to rainwater saturation or ground moisture absorption. Furthermore, stacking them no more than three high will help avoid tears in their wrap and crushing under their weight.

Engineers at Ontario’s University of Guelph are working on creating an organic alternative to the 3,500 tonnes of petroleum-based low-density polyethylene plastic currently used annually in Ontario. The team has been conducting experiments using cut in from potatoes and corn protein zein as well as synthetic compatibilizers in an attempt to produce biodegradable silage wrap that performs as effectively as its predecessor product.


Bales stored under plastic bale wrap provide valuable protection from birds and rodents while simultaneously extending storage life for years to come. Plastic covers also help preserve forage quality, reduce storage loss, prevent air and moisture penetration into bales and surface mould from occurring if they are left exposed for too long in direct sunlight. But handling must be handled carefully to avoid air and moisture entering through leaky seals – otherwise surface mould may result.

When it comes to mitigating surface mould risk, one of the best strategies is wrapping hay bales as soon as they’re harvested and before reaching storage sites – using either a self-loading satellite bale wrapper or in-line wrapper is recommended.

To effectively wrap round bales, it is important to use multiple layers of film to ensure there is no air movement into the bale. The number of layers needed varies based on factors like dry matter content of hay and climate conditions – a general guideline would be six layers but this may change.

Environmental Impact

Studies show that plastic bale wrap can significantly decrease storage and handling losses when compared with twine. Furthermore, plastic helps retain moisture longer while decreasing weather damage risk. Farmers must however be mindful that bale wrap incurs additional costs such as labour expenses for transporting it as well as landfill fees.

Bales should be wrapped in a dry field near their ultimate storage site in order to minimise handling and film damage, with poles running north-south to evenly balance exposure of both sides to sunlight’s ultraviolet radiation. Furthermore, wet soil or rodent infestation should be avoided for best results as this could damage or degrade plastic films over time.

Researchers have been exploring new materials to develop sustainable composites suitable for plastic bale wrap production, using injection-moulding. A recent study used this process to produce a blend of recycled bale wrap linear low-density polyethylene (rLLDPE) and polypropylene (PP) reinforced with 25 weight percent waste agave fibre and laboratory-produced compatibiliser that significantly increased interfacial adhesion of these composites.