Emergency Dentist Adelaide: Dental Emergencies – Why You Need to See an Emergency Dentist Adelaide

Dental emergencies can be very traumatic and painful. They must be taken care of immediately and with the best possible care.

Emergency dentists can help with any dental trauma or injuries that need urgent attention. It includes severe tooth pain, unstoppable bleeding from the mouth, or facial swelling. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, check this out.

Knocked Out Tooth

emergency dentist AdelaideA knocked-out tooth is one of the most severe dental emergencies. It can often be saved if the injured person gets to a clinic within two hours of the injury. Leaving the tooth untreated has serious consequences, like the remaining teeth shifting their positions and closing the space left by the missing tooth.

First, a person should find the tooth and hold it by its crown, not by the root. Touching the tooth’s root could cause irreversible damage and make reattaching impossible. People should keep the tooth moist, but only in a safe medium such as milk or water.

Swollen Gums

Swollen gums should never be ignored and should be seen as a warning that something is wrong. They can be a symptom of several different dental issues, including gingivitis, and it’s vital to visit a dentist for an examination if you experience swollen gums, as they can help diagnose the cause and recommend treatment. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, check this out.

In some cases, the swelling may be caused by food trapped in the gum tissue, causing a localised inflammatory response. In others, the swollen gums can be caused by an infection or abscess. To treat the condition, your dentist will recommend an oral rinse that can reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis, or they may suggest a more severe procedure like root planing and scaling.

It’s also essential to practice good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist for regular checkups. It’s also helpful to avoid irritants like alcohol and tobacco and to eat a healthy diet high in fibre.

Bleeding Mouth

A bleeding mouth is a dental emergency that can be dangerous if not attended immediately. If you are suffering from uncontrollable bleeding in your mouth, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our clinic directly, and we will listen to your emergency as soon as possible. Other emergency cases that we deal with regularly include severe toothaches, facial swelling and significant dental trauma.

If you are experiencing a knocked-out tooth, getting to the dentist as quickly as possible is essential. Leaving it too long can damage the nerves, blood vessels and supporting tissues. It’s also important to retrieve the tooth or pieces if they remain intact.

Broken Tooth

If a person has a broken tooth, seeing an emergency dentist as soon as possible is essential. It can help prevent further damage and make it easier to restore the fractured tooth. In addition, the emergency dentist can provide immediate pain relief.

A break in a tooth can range from a small chip to a complete break that exposes the dentin and pulp. While the enamel does not contain nerves or blood vessels, the exposed pulp can cause pain. If the pulp is infected, a root canal treatment may be required. For an emergency dentist Adelaide, check this out.

Patients with a broken tooth should rinse their mouth with salt water several times daily to prevent bacteria from accumulating. They should also avoid brushing the area until they can see a dentist. Taking over-the-counter pain medications can also help relieve the pain until they can see a dentist. They should also consider using a mouth guard while playing sports to protect against injuries to the teeth and face.

If your tooth is knocked out, we encourage you to retrieve it (or pieces if broken) and bring it to your emergency appointment. The sooner we see you, the better your chances of saving it! For an emergency dentist Adelaide, check this out.